Unorthodox method of sending which requires users to Export > iPhoto2Gmail in order to send. Send original images or optimized (resized) versions.

Provides quick access to both Gmail and Google Calendars.
Attempting to do so requires a number of 3rd party software packages or utilities which give the feeling of tight integration. Desktop email clients, like Apple Mail, offer integrated OS features which are difficult to make use of with a web based email service like Gmail. With no real plans to turn this article into a “my method is better than your method” argument, I’ll get straight to the point. Desktop clients integrate with your OS & other applications

Couple both of those features with Google’s powerful search algorithm which digs deep into your archived mail, as well as filtering, forwarding, and its own POP access, deciding on your default email service can be difficult. Because Gmail provides the option to “Send mail as:” or download mail from other accounts via POP3, there really is no limitation as far as email management is concerned. Why? Because it was convenient, accessible, simple, quick, and everything email should be. One year ago, I experimented with Google Hosted – 5ThirtyOne – Google Hosted Email – and soon moved and began managing all of my email accounts using Google’s services.